Monday, July 28, 2008

A day late and a personality short!

I am late at posting my thoughts on the latest elimination show this past thursday (my cousin got married upstate so I had tons of driving to do).  But Will was the latest to leave the show, and we all know it has nothing to do with talent.  That boy was talented, but to be quite frank, who cares.  Yes, you a great technician but I never saw his joy in dancing and obviously neither did America!  I am sure if you were to see him on stage he will let you have it, but it just didn't translate to me on TV.  That was until the James Brown dance.  He really was amazing and personable and he was having a great time and it oozed off the television, however, American already loves Twitch and I love Mark, way more than I ever even liked Will.  So sorry Will but that solo came too late in the production.  I am sure he will work FOREVER in the dance world, as he should.  But I am not all that sad to see him go!  Sorry!

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