Thursday, July 3, 2008

Katee and Joshua; Hometown Glory

Last night on So You Think You Can Dance, Katee and Joshua got it right once again with a piece by Mia Michaels.  This couple hit the ground running when they performed No Air the first week. Their Broadway routine, All for the Best, was not my favorite piece of theirs, but they still totally redeemed themselves when they showed how sexy they can dance with the samba.  But just watch below how Katee steals this performance with her control of her body, her perfect level of projection and emotion.  You can feel and see the struggle the character she is performing faces. For me this dance is all in the shoulders where you can feel the pain, frustration and uncertainty everything Mia wanted you to feel and Katee got it right.  Joshua just missed the mark in this dance with tension in his shoulders. That being said he did everything else that a male dancer should do.  He was not only there for his partner for all the lifts, he made them seem effortless. He did not pull any focus from Katee to let her stand out as the feature performer in this dance.  A great dancer need to know when it is about them, and when it is about the person next to them.  The costuming definitely helped Katee stand out, she was exposed, whereas Joshua was covered from the top of his head, to his feet.  Just watch the beauty that these two created last night and I hope that you were as moved as I was. 

1 comment:

Dan Rousseau said...

I love dancing but I prefer the foxtrot.